Jeremiah went to a board review course in Chicago this past week. I figured I could watch the girls (all by myself) just as well at the beach as I could in Birmingham. So we packed our little selves up and headed down to Dad’s beach condo.
Here are a couple of pictures I snapped with my phone on the first day we were there, just to prove to you that we did get a peek at paradise.
However, on day two the clouds rolled in. It was great at first. I did a little reading in bed with the rain pattering on the roof and the ocean crashing just outside my window. We all took some major naps.
And it was nice to be away… You know you could never take a TWO HOUR nap at home with dinner and laundry and deep cleaning hanging over your head. But naps and books can only satisfy for so long (when you have two small children). I needed some friends:
(I’m sorry, this is a horrible picture, but it is the only one I have of all three of us. Why is my mother-in-law’s waist {that bore FOUR children} one quarter the size of mine?!)
Ashley and Mrs. Linda came to our rescue, but they were unable to bring the sun with them. We all dealt with our disappointment in different ways. Some tried to reason that the sun would be out any minute, because of the simple fact that it could not stay gone forever:
Others resorted to face-down fits of despair in the sand: While still others managed to EAT their way through the disappointment.
If we were not actively eating a meal or snack, we were planning where the next point of attack would be.
But despite the lack of beautiful weather, we had a lot of fun relaxing [insert EATING] together.
Ashley, aren’t you so thankful that you are the only one who managed to get a swimsuit shot 🙂 I’m sorry but you look AWESOME! Have you been doing P90X or anything like that? 🙂 Thanks for helping Pace build a sandcastle…since I was too full to get out of my chair.
We got a peek at paradise, and I think we made the best of it.
Paradise is still paradise though!!! Cute pictures of your girls…and you are RIGHT…she looks GREAT in a bathing suit!
Great pictures! Oh how I miss the beach! Being landlocked is just awful! And OH how I LOVE Thomas Doughnuts!!! We always walk down for breakfast from our beach house too!:)
Abby, So glad you were able to get away, relax and EAT despite cloudy skies! I bet the girls didn't care if it rained or shined. Mine never seem to be bothered with clouds!
Abby, I know I don't post much on my blog here, but I do read yours still. I love the pictures of your girls, they're precious, funny, and just over all great!-Alisha(Highland's OR tech, just thought I would refresh your memory :D)