However, those gorgeous locks of his had gotten a bit–matted (I couldn’t even bear to take a picture of the matted Locks, so the one above is an old one). It wasn’t SO bad just to look at him, but if you tried to part all that hair, you discovered that there was no separating the strands.
He has seemed hot and miserable in this weather, and I found that I was dragging him by the leash half-way through our runs. It was time for a “summer cut.” On Wednesday morning, we had a playgroup at 10. I allotted 30 minutes for giving
Lockety Locks a quick shave down and then thought we’d get showers and head to
Melissa’s. THREE HOURS LATER I was still in the backyard with no signs of success ahead.

His undercoat was so thick, I couldn’t distinguish it from skin. I was terrified of nicking him (which I did four or five times before all was done), and in the matting was not only hair but hay and oats and twigs from his adventures throughout the farm this past weekend. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE! I thought I was just going to zip the razor over his fur like I do over Jeremiah’s hair. Oh no, not with that fur. I cut (with scissors). I shaved. I brushed (tugged really). I cut. I shaved. I brushed. I started out with these ideas of the kind of “hair style” I would give him, but by the end I just wanted it ALL off.
It took me a total of six working hours. That is not an exaggeration. What, you may ask, were my girls doing all that time. Well they started off playing in their PJs in the backyard. They stripped down to their underoos and played in the water hose, when the monotony started getting to them. AND THIS is how they ended up–butt naked, eating chocolate ice cream sandwiches.

I must add that Locks was an angel. Can you imagine any dog sitting still for that long while you ripped his hair out, nicked his skin, and ran a hot, vibrating razor all over him. I love that little creature–and now he is acting so very cocky with his new cut. Pace said, “Mommy! Locks turned into a puppy!” And with HALF of a tall kitchen trash bag filled with his hair–decreasing his size by half–she’s right.

How funny!! You are brave! I would have just given and up and taken him to get groomed. He does look so cute though. He has a reason to be cocky!!
I love the pic of Mary Aplin with chocolate all over her!
I CANNOT believe you tackled that all by yourself – and with the girls there to boot! We eat popsicles like that around our house – well, not me, but the children do :~)It’s much easier just to hose them off than to try to scrub and get stains out of their clothes!!! Locks is a precious dog!
Locks is too cute! I was just wondering about him. My little dog is getting her summer cut next week!
Great job Abby! I am amazed. Love how you left a little fluff on top and on the legs. Locks is too cute. I have a friend who has a St.Bernard (obviously more hairy than Locks), but she swears by this As-Seen-On-TV comb called the Furminator… might be good for maintenance on Locks’ new do? I think you can buy them at Target, pricey, but apparently worth every penny!
Great job!! Give Locks a kiss on that fuzzy little head for me!
Abby, You have posted a lot of beautiful posts in the history of your blog… but this one may be my favorite. Absoultely hilarious. I love the look on Pace’s face when she’s covered in chocolate. And… he looks great… did you think the top of his legs would get cold? Is that why you left them furry but the rest of him shaved? Absolutely hilarious. My friend Krista did something similar… if you haven’t seen you must MUST go look:
Maybe y’all can get that thing Erika called the groominator and share it! Or just drop Locks by your dad’s office next time you’re in town… I’m sure he’d give you a DEEP discount on a groom!
Thanks for the Saturday morning laugh!
This one….TRULY started my day off right. I had to laugh at poor Locks in the last PIX’ How cute is that dog! Great story! And, the girls look like they enjoyed the day, too! Have a blessed weekend.
That was some hard work, but you did a GREAT job! Taking care of animals MUST run in the family 🙂 LOVE the pictures of the girls! They get cuter and cuter every post!
Abby, Locks looks so great! I shave Birdie and Bella, it’s a hard job, but it beats paying someone to do it and I love when they are shaved because they don’t shed as much. I’m sure the girls loved running around naked eating ice cream sandwiches: )!
if you’d have called me, we could have all come over and helped…
that would have been interesting.
i remember when we used to have our cocker groomed. we would laugh at her because she looked so skinny and funny. i swear she knew we were making fun of her.
locks, you look handsome and abby, you’re hilarious.
Oh I am so glad to have a good laugh at Locks’ expense!!!!! 🙂 Absolutely Hilarious! The girls are too funny! 🙂
Abby, I saw Locks and thought he was adorable!!! You did a great job grooming him : )He seems like a sweet dog too…. Do you have any available appointments for a shitzu-poodle that looks like his mom has forgotten about him??? Thank goodness my lab and pointer have short hair!! Also, Mary Aplin and Pace look like they had a fun and relaxing day….you’re a good mom Abby : )
i cannot believe you did that!!!! i am impressed!!! i have to honestly say that i would have never even thought to cut a dog’s fur by myself!! you did an outstanding job!!
and i love the pics of the girls. that reminds me of pics my mom has of me and my oldest sister ….
good job!