This summer the girls and I read Charlotte’s Web, so when it came time to decide on Halloween costumes they wanted White’s book to be our family theme.


Meet our Charlotte.


And Fern.


Love that little Dace.


And Wilbur. Who was feeling so bad that he missed his own baby dedication this day, and who I woke from a dead sleep just before these pictures. ย He wouldn’t even grace me with a forward glance.


That’s me–Charlotte’s web. ย Jeremiah didn’t feel like my head was an important part of this shot for some reason ๐Ÿ˜‰


Charlotte loving Wilbur, and Wilbur–appropriately–still complaining.


We had a Mr. Arable too ๐Ÿ™‚


Baybus never did bounce back from being woken up from his nap. Not even when he bumped into a fellow barn-mate.


And just because Little Bo Peep found her sheep and they were so stinkin’ cute I could hardly stand it…

5 Responses to “Happy Halloween from Charlotte’s Web”

  1. Taylor says:

    Abby – y’all are too cute – I love it!!! I think Dapples needs to add that black mustache to her spidey outfit to complete it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. kristen says:

    Awww…thanks for snapping those sweet pictures! I didn’t even have my camera! I sure hope Wilbur is feeling better. Best family costume ever. My girls have now told me I need to dress up next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Mama B says:

    Precious idea and costumes!!:) I am sad I missed them trick or treating and them dressed up in person, but I DID get to see “Aubie” and a little pumpkin, here in Bham:))))xoxo

  4. Amie Ezelle says:

    Love it Abby ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. kathleen says:

    Charmed of course. For a treat google NPR– search Charlotte’s Web on the NPR site and read the story about E.B. White and the back story to C.W. have a box of tissue handy.

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