That is what greets you on my porch if you drop by our house. It serves as a constant reminder of last spring, just like every spring before, when I’ve gone to Home Depot, listened to Jeremiah make fun of me as I spent hundreds of dollars on plants vowing that THIS year would be different. Well, that was my gigantic prize fern from last year…you can see how well I took care of her.
So, I made the dreaded trip to Home Depot, but instead of spending hundreds of dollars, I only spent about five. I let Pace pick our seeds and this is what she chose:
We took down my hanging baskets (that weren’t being used anyway), rounded up a few other planters from various past projects.
And planted to our hearts content. (Mary Aplin nearly gave me a concussion with that rake before the day was over)
Now, a good solid excuse I have for not enjoying gardening is that my yard gets next to no sunshine. There are no fun colorful plants that grow in shade…or at least very few (maybe to get the good ones you have to go spend some real money at a nursery and not Home Depot). To give Pace’s plants a chance at life, I’ve left all these planters in the only spot in our yard that does get sun–THE FRONT YARD. We are lookin’ oh so classy with our half clover/half grass yard and our planters strewn about.
They actually grew!! (I honestly had zero faith that it would work) And Pace asks to go outside and check on them about twenty times a day. Bless her heart…it looks nothing like her mother’s in this gardening area.
YIPPPPEEE! Love your honesty! 🙂 The title actually spoke to my heart this morning: instead of trying not to squelch her, I am substituting him and asking the Lord to give me patience today to let them be the boys He wants them to be. Funny how things speak to our hearts.
How precious! It truly is a blessing to spend time like this with little ones. Keep us posted on the little plants 🙂
way to go abby, now you have a sweet friend(mrs johnson) and sister across the street who do your yearly trimming and now you have pace to do your gardening- what a life!
i will see you and the crew soon- maybe pace can come plant in my yard next!!! ha ha
i hate hate hate gardening! HATE! lol i feel your pain! yesterday i came home and my mom had put my one and only plant in the middle of my kitchen counter. it was dead. dry. pitiful. she bought another plant in hopes of its survival and need for less water. =)
Darn. Reese has been doing the same thing to her non-gardening mother. She has carried around the Sunday insert from Lowe's showing the plants for a week and a half now. I just keep telling her, "Maybe another day." Now, I'm going to have to go get some seed, dirt and planters. Darn it. : )
How sweet!! She's doing a great job!! LOVE their matching dresses 🙂
Well….I truly understand. My daughter, Ashley, too…doesn't care for it at all. Lucky for you– that you will move soon to WA. Ashley didn't have to plant one thing while living there. Everything looks so differnt and the dirt just ain't the same as the good OLE' soil of Bama…Just enjoy your girls planting. Seems they have a green thumb! Who knows where it will lead! My grandson loves to plant and he is only four. Soooo good luck and just kick back and let them dig away! LOL….
I feel you sister..Your mom and Mrs. Pat used to try and get me to like it. I would lay on the ground and say to them.."this is not fun " and why do you think it is so wonderful ? It is hot and I am dirty and I just don't get it ! They would laugh and make me work harder but I still hate it.