I miss her smell. White flowers, tiny green leaves, and sunshine. I miss her touch. Warm, soft, and made of a mother’s love. I miss her smile. Its radiance that filled a room and left others grasping for her attention. I miss her love. Fierce, true, and always on my side. I went to a wedding tonight. Driving home with Jeremiah, I needed my somebody to dissect all the details with…and she wasn’t there. So I started missing her. I started longing for this never-ending play to let me off the stage. I’m tired of this role…motherless-daughter. I’m ready to relinquish my part and step back into a reality that no longer exists.

15 Responses to “Mother-less Daughter”

  1. Robin says:

    Sweet Abby, my heart hurts for you. I wih I could help take away your pain. Please know I love and think about each of you girls so often.I know it is going to be a hard week for all of you. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

  2. Darby says:

    I love you and I’m praying for you!

  3. erika says:

    abby, praying for you. tears in my eyes for you this morning. i wish i could do something… i will pray.

  4. becky says:

    abby, i am so sorry you don’t have your mama with you today as you needed just the every-day-ness of her. i pray that her spirit will surround you and that your baby girls will give you strength and help you to delight in being their mom today. i cannot imagine your pain. i pray GOd will give you comfort today, and every day.

  5. Tegan says:

    I love you Abby! I hope you feel Jesus holding you tight today! I miss you and can’t wait to talk to you. Thanks for you sweet words to me on my blog. I have felt your prayers. Praying for you!

  6. The Wilson's says:

    My heart hurts for you!! I wish so badly I could take that hurt away from you and your family. I know I am not your mother but you can call me anytime you want to call your mom and talk girly things (like dissecting wedding details)! Lets get together soon! I miss Pace and Mary Aplins grins!!!

  7. Abby Euten says:

    I’m with Becky on this one! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Abby, I am TRULY sorry and I ache for you. Please know I will and am praying for you…if I could do more, I would without hesitation. As a mother, a christian, a faithful woman of Christ you ARE so inspiring. I know you have had great loss to get you where you are, but you will be reunited with her and you will BOTH be stunning in your crowns while you “dance in the grass”!

  8. Beth G. says:

    I am praying for you right now!!

  9. Not So Stereotypical Southern Socialite says:

    I've been there…so many times. Take joy in the sisters you have, mine has become my very best friend that my mother was. Embrace your baby girl…for you will be the light to her that your Mom was to you. I know you feel her presence each and everyday and you long to hear her voice. She will send you signs in the most unexpected places…Remember God knows you still need to see little pieces of her and hear her voice & advice. My prayers are with you…"trust in the Lord with all your heart" as I know you do!

  10. andi says:

    Hey precious! I’m wishing I could give you a big hug! (((()))))
    Love you…praying for you this morning.

  11. Shireen says:

    Abby, You have the sweetest heart. Thank you for being so genuine and transparent. I’ve just prayed for you. I miss seeing you. 🙂

  12. Kelly says:

    Along with everyone else, my heart hurts for you. And, like everyone else, I wish I could take away that pain. My prayer for you this morning is that God surrounds you with a “peace that passes understanding.”

  13. Kendall Boggs says:

    You are a perfect example of your mom… A beautiful vision!
    Love you!

  14. Megan says:

    I’m praying that God will continue to reveal himself to you in big ways. We miss seeing you each week. I replied to your comment on my blog – maybe I should have done it here – not sure. Anyway, just wanted to make sure you checked in at some point and maybe we can figure out why you can’t see it!

    Megan Shirley

  15. Carly Winborne says:

    I don’t even know you, but I love the heart you show. What a post! I’ve been reading (stalking) and am in love with those precious blondes of yours. And the way you write. And the sweet life you share with your family. You are an inspiration to me. If I find myself in your situation somewhere down the road, I hope I can remain as poised, graceful and faithful as you. Carly Winborne

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