My sister Taylor is home for an extended holiday stay, with Caloway. Which MEANS, these cousins are getting some time to get-to-know each other.
Have you ever tried to get a good picture of two babies at once? I don’t know how people with twins do it?!
John David (Taylor’s husband) is in an intense residency in Los Angeles, and Taylor needed a some help and rest. A little peace and relaxation. We told her this was the IDEAL place to come. It is always quiet here…
And there is no better place to find a peaceful night’s sleep…
Ok, so maybe those things aren’t true, but we are glad she believed us! And we are excited to get some time with them both.

I’m not sure what MyMae is telling Caloway, but she is serious about it! Caloway does not seem too affected
And we are hoping that the loud, early morning wake-up calls leave us more time for enjoying this:
Between Taylor’s arrival and Thanksgiving, Fuller Oakland was born!! Which means that all four babies have now been born to all four sisters in just under 6 months.
Unfortunately, little Fuller has Group B strep just like baby Mae did. They will have some great stories to swap one day. He also has a bit of jaundice, so our first meeting had to happen in the NICU and it looked a little something like this:
I got to seem him without his glasses and with that blue light turned off for a few minutes. What a precious wonder he is!!!!!!! There is nothing like the heart swelling emotion that a new family member brings. I can’t wait to love this guy for the rest of his life.
And in that state of excitement I swept him up off his bed and set off all the alarms in the NICU.
After my shenanigans Taylor was relegated to an awkward squatting picture.
Sorry T 😉 Please pray Fuller gets well soon and can go home with Caroline, Riley, and Warren. And if any of you feel your life lacks excitement, please come and visit us down here in our quiet, peaceful, uneventful and orderly world.
Abby, I just LOVE your hair like that. Really so beautiful. You’ll love this. One of my good friends has 4 kids. They all got together 2 Christmas’ ago and decided they would all get pregnant. 4 kids were born within 2 months of one another!!!