There it is. The address to my etsy sight and the name of my shop (can you call it a shop if you have never sold anything from it???:)). In case you can’t read that, it’s simply I want you all to buy something–for your own child or the child of your friend, and then MAYBE I will have almost enough to buy my nightstand 🙂 In all seriousness, don’t buy unless you really like it or need it. I’ll get that nightstand somehow…Anybody need a babysitter 🙂

And for good measure [and as sort of an apology for using this blog to sell something–which I’d hoped to never do], I’ll draw a name if you post on this blog [on Tuesday night since it is a holiday weekend] to win another free little something.

**And how bout this little stipulation…If you BUY something, then I’ll add your name to the drawing three extra times 🙂

14 Responses to “The Flossy Finch”

  1. Kellie says:

    I’m all about free – but I’m also going to take a look and maybe buy something too! Great job!

  2. Anna says:

    I never win anything so I am just going to buy! I just looked at the stuff for sale and I’ve already picked out something for baby girl. Add it to the night stand fund!! We just have to decide on a name first- hopefully that will be soon.

  3. Kendall Clark says:

    I ordered one!!!!!

  4. Lydia says:

    YAY! I just added you to my favorites list on Etsy (my shop name is Layne James!) That is also a good way to bring more viewers/buyers to your shop…add lots of other shops to your faves. Good luck!! 🙂

  5. Brittny says:

    I can’t buy anything right now (b/c of our budget this month), but I definitely hope too when next month hits. I’m adding it to my fav. etsy list though! We’ve never met, but know the same people and my husband is also a resident, so I love reading your blog and knowing someone else is with me on this journey. Good luck in Seattle!

  6. breakfastclub09 says:

    Abby, how cute is this stuff! I’ve never left a comment, but Mary Evelyn “needs” one of these outfis! I plan to buy one too…that nightstand is perfect, you need it 🙂 Can’t wait to see ya’ll at the wedding!

  7. Sarah Armstrong says:

    I am not sure why that last comment came up with the ID breakfastclub09…that was something school related that I had to post to?? Anyway, I think I fixed it.

  8. thebarronfam says:

    I love reading your blog. Can’t wait to see what the nightstand looks like in the newly decorated bedroom!

  9. Jessica says:

    OOhhhh…..Oooohhh…. Pick me, pick me!! Miss you and love you!

  10. Sarah says:

    I’m gonna laugh when some corporate big wig runs across your blog and want to start modeling with your precious babies =)

  11. Kristen says:

    YAY! Thanks for posting the link!

  12. Lauren says:

    Count me in the drawing!

  13. Darby says:

    Sign me up!

  14. Melody Uptain says:

    If I’m not too late, sign me up. Love your stuff. I will definitely be visiting your site.

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