We had some family horseback rides (Jeremiah got a new phone/camera, which is why I am in so many of these and he’s not ;)),
and gator rides around the farm.
For a while, Jeremiah and I rode in the big gator and followed the crazy driver and co-conspirator in the other gator.
It was really fun until they got so distracted picking flowers that they wound up stuck. We threw the little gator in the back of the big gator to finish out a beautiful afternoon.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend… sad I missed you. Next time the guys have Sunday morning fellowship I will make sure he wakes you up and brings you with him! Ok!? And I love how we both casually left out of our weekend recaps the fact that are husbands have the tendency to really tick us off… from one innocent bystander to another. 🙂
Love the sweet picture of them picking flowers!
I have a Meme, and their the BEST 🙂 I love the pictures of the girls! Glad you all had a great weekend!
My family LOVES your Mimi! Mrs. Runnell is one of my mom’s best friends. And Mr. AB was my dad’s best friend. I have gone to Cloverdale Methodist my entire life and know most of your wonderful family.
I have 2 older sisters and we all remember your mom and dad dating and her coming to CUMC with him. We thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world and her being a AU cheerleader was icing on the cake.
My parents aren’t computer savy so about once a month I print your blog and take it to them. We all love your sweetness and honesty. My dad coached your dad in baseball and has always been our Veternarian. He is such a special man and so is your Mimi.
Jan Peel McGregor